Por isso, se você quis um dia ser essa garota na garupa, poderá trazer o sonho para a realidade...presenteie seu maridão com essa linda jaqueta!
Se você é homem...fique irresistível como o Tom Cruise...e arrase corações!
Nem vou traduzir a descrição, que vem direto do site da Cockpit USA:
"Created for the Navy's elite Fighter Jocks, the Top Gun G-1 jacket is worn with pride, and the various patches acknowledge the service history of the Navy's best pilots. This jacket is made of 100% antique lamb and has a bi-swing back, a removable real shearling mouton fur collar, wool-nylon blend knit cuffs and waistband, top and side entry front pockets, full zip front over a wind flap, underarm grommets for ventilation, two inside chest pockets, squadron patches & naval aviator blood chit and copyrighted pilot's evasion map lining. Order your regular size as it is a generously cut and full fitting jacket. Proudly made in the U.S.A. Available in Black or Brown. Don't be fooled by imported substitutions, this is the Real Thing!!!"
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